FAQ: What is a biometrics appointment? What can I expect during a biometrics appointment?
Photo by Meg Jenson on Unsplash. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will schedule a biometrics appointment after you file an application, petition or request. The biometrics you provide during your appointment allow USCIS to confirm your identity and run required background and security checks. Find out what to expect in this FAQ.
What is a biometrics appointment?
A biometrics appointment gives USCIS an opportunity to capture an applicant’s biometrics (fingerprints, photograph, and signature) to allow them to conduct the necessary background checks. After you file your application, petition or request, USCIS will send you an appointment letter (Form I-797C, Notice of Action) which will include the date, time and location for your Application Support Center (ASC) appointment.
Can I bring someone with me to the appointment?
Yes, if you need help during your ASC appointment, you may bring someone with you, such as a family member, attorney, or accredited representative. If you do not understand spoken English, you should bring someone with you who can translate for you. There is no requirement for your attorney or accredited representative to go with you to the ASC, even if he or she submitted your application, petition, or request to USCIS. Please note that in some cases, only the applicant is allowed into the ASC due to covid and other restrictions.
What documents do I need to bring to the biometrics appiontment?
The appointment notice lists the documentation that you need to bring to the appointment. Generally, you are required to bring:
Your ASC appointment notice (Form I-797C), and
Valid photo identification (such as your Green Card, passport, or driver’s license)
Use of cellphones and recording devices are not allowed in the ASC. Food and drink are also not allowed. Make the necessary arrangements to enable you to comply with these restrictions.
What should I expect during my biometrics appointment?
Check in with Security. You will be given a short form that you are required to complete. You will need to provide your name, nationality, date of birth and other biographic information (height, weight, eye and hair color).
Proceed to Reception. After you have completed the form, proceed to reception where you will be required to provide your appointment notice, which the receptionist will stamp and attach to the form you just completed. You will also be required to show your photo identification. The receptionist may also inspect your fingers to ensure a seamless biometrics capture.
Capture of biometrics. You will then be directed to go to the biometrics capturing stations where attendants will take your photos, fingerprints and signature. After the biometrics have been captured, the attendant will return the stamped and signed biometrics appointment letter. Keep this for your records.
What are the age requirements for biometrics?
If you are 14 years of age or older, you must provide a signature on an application, petition, or request filed with USCIS. Children under the age of 14 are not required to provide a signature on an application, petition, or request filed with USCIS, but they may choose to sign their name during their ASC appointment if they are capable of signing. A parent or legal guardian may also sign the application, petition, or request on the child’s behalf.
What if I cannot read English?
Before the attendant captures your signature, an attestation paragraph will be available during your biometrics appointment in both English and Spanish on the screen where you sign your name. If you require a language other than English or Spanish, USCIS has translated this information and the attestation paragraph into several languages that are available when you file certain applications, petitions, or requests. We recommend that you read the appropriate language translation hosted on the USCIS website and review it before you appear for your ASC appointment.
What if I have a disability?
If you have a disability, when providing your signature, you may sign with whichever hand you currently use to sign documents. USCIS will accept a mark (like an “X”) to show that you have provided the required signature if you are unable to write in English or your native language. USCIS has procedures to capture biometrics for applicants who cannot provide a signature or make a mark due to a physical disability or mental impairment. If you feel that you need an accommodation based on your disability, please speak with the ASC immigration services officer to ask for assistance.
For more information, please refer to the dedicated USCIS web page on this topic. If you have any questions or concerns about your immigration application, please contact us. We’re here to help! Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tumblr, for up-to-date immigration news.
Torregoza Legal PLLC is the law firm for immigrants, by immigrants. We are founded on the motto of LegalEase: we do away with the legal jargon and make law easy to understand, so you can focus on what’s important to you – going for your American Dream.
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