FAQ: What happens after I submit my green card application to USCIS?
You just mailed out your green card application to USCIS? What happens next? Find out more about the green card application process in our blog post.
FAQ: Recursos Migratorios para Víctimas de Violencia Doméstica
La ley de inmigración de EE. UU. proporciona protecciones y recursos para los cónyuges extranjeros de ciudadanos estadounidenses y residentes permanentes legales que han sido abusados. Si eres víctima de violencia doméstica, es importante que sepas que no tienes que seguir viviendo con tu abusador. Lee nuestra entrada de blog para obtener más información sobre tus opciones migratorias.
Formulario I-751: Eliminación de Condiciones Temporales para la Tarjeta Verde Condicional de 2 años (Residencia Condicional)
Un residente permanente condicional recibe una tarjeta verde válida por 2 años. Para seguir siendo residente permanente, el residente permanente condicional debe presentar una petición para eliminar las condiciones durante los 90 días previos a la expiración de la tarjeta. La tarjeta condicional no se puede renovar. Las condiciones deben ser eliminadas o perderás tu estatus de residente permanente.
Success Stories: Marriage-based Green Card approved for adjustment of status applicant from Taiwan
We recently received an approval of lawful permanent residence (a green card) for a Taiwanese national through his U.S. citizen spouse and it was granted without an interview. Congratulations to our clients!
Success Stories: Marriage-based Green Card approved for adjustment of status applicant from the Dominican Republic
We recently received an approval of lawful permanent residence (a green card) for a Dominican national through his U.S. citizen spouse. Congratulations to our clients!
Success Stories: Marriage-based adjustment of status application approved for green card applicant from Australia
We recently received an approval of lawful permanent residence (a green card) for an Australian national through his U.S. citizen wife. The petition was approved without an interview and in just a little over a month after the application was received at USCIS. Congratulations to our clients!
Success Stories: Green Card Approval for Marriage-based Adjustment of Status Applicant from Canada
We recently received an approval of lawful permanent residence (a green card) for our client who is a Canadian national through her U.S. citizen husband. Congratulations to our clients!
¿Qué documentos se requieren para demostrar un matrimonio de buena fe?
La ley de inmigración de los EE. UU. permite a un ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente (titular de una tarjeta verde) presentar una petición de inmigrante para traer a su cónyuge a vivir en los Estados Unidos como titular de una tarjeta verde. Muchos de nuestros clientes preguntan qué tipo de documentación necesitan mostrar al Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los EE. UU. (USCIS) para demostrar su relación familiar. Aquí están nuestras recomendaciones.
¿Qué sucede después de la aprobación del I-130? ¿Qué es el procesamiento consular?
Lee nuestras preguntas frecuentes que discuten lo que sucede a continuación después de la aprobación del I-130 para aquellos con familiares en el extranjero, la revisión/documentación en el Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC) y la entrevista consular.
Success Stories: I-130 Family Petition approved for Filipina spouse of U.S. citizen military service member
We recently received an approval at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of an I-130 Petition for Alien Relative for a national of the Philippines who is the spouse of a U.S. Military Service Member. Congratulations to our clients!
Success Stories: Marriage-based green card application approved for adjustment of status applicant from Germany
We recently received a marriage-based green card application approval for our client from Germany who is the spouse of a U.S. citizen. Congratulations to our clients!
FAQ: Immigration Remedies for Domestic Violence Victims
U.S. immigration law provides protections and remedies for abused foreign spouses of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. If you are a victim of domestic violence, it’s important to know that you do not have to continue living with your abuser. Read our blog post to learn more about your immigration options.
Success Stories: Marriage-based green card application approved for adjustment of status applicant from Colombia
We recently received a marriage-based green card application approval for our client from Colombia who is the spouse of a U.S. citizen. Congratulations to our clients!
Success Stories: Permanent Residence Granted for Adjustment of Status applicant from Russia
We recently received an approval for legal permanent residence (a green card) for a national of Russia and it was granted without an interview. Congratulations to our clients!
FAQ: What should I know about the recent USCIS fee increase?
On April 1, 2024, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) increased its fees for immigration petitions and applications as well as released new versions of certain forms. Read our FAQ to learn more about this new development.
Success Stories: I-130 Spousal Petition approved for national of Algeria
We recently received an approval at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of a spousal petition filed by a permanent resident for her spouse who is a national of Algeria. Congratulations to our clients!
Success Stories: Permanent Residence Granted to adjustment of status applicant who entered on a K-1 Fiancee Visa from the Dominican Republic
We recently had an approval for permanent residence (green card) for a Dominican national who entered on a K-1 Visa based on her marriage to her U.S. Citizen spouse at the USCIS Queens Field Office. Congratulations to our clients!
Success Stories: Permanent Residence Granted to Transgender Filipina based on marriage to her U.S. citizen spouse
We recently received an approval for legal permanent residence (a green card) for a transgender Filipina client based on her marriage to her U.S. citizen spouse and it was granted without an interview. Congratulations to our clients!
FAQ: How do I change my address with USCIS? What is form AR-11?
If you are a foreign national in the United States, generally you must report a change of address to USCIS within 10 days of moving. This is especially important if you have a pending application. Find out how to change your address with USCIS in this FAQ.
Success Stories: Marriage-based green card approved for Mexican DACA recipient who entered on Advance Parole
We recently received an approval for an adjustment of status application filed on behalf of a Mexican DACA recipient who entered on Advance Parole petitioned by her U.S. citizen husband. Congratulations to our clients!