Alerta: Estatus de protección temporal para venezolanos cancelado por el Secretario de Seguridad Nacional Noem
El 28 de enero de 2025, la Secretaria de Seguridad Nacional, Kristi Noem, anuló el aviso del 17 de enero de 2025 que extendía una designación de Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para Venezuela. El departamento volverá a la guía de extensión y redesignación de TPS que se anunció en octubre de 2023. Posteriormente, el 1 de febrero de 2025, la Secretaria Noem decidió rescindir también el TPS bajo la designación de 2023, lo que significa que el TPS y los beneficios relacionados asociados con la designación de 2023 finalizarán el 7 de abril de 2025. Obtenga más información en nuestra Alerta de noticias.

News Alert: FY 2026 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Period Opens on March 7
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recently announced that the initial registration period for the fiscal year 2026 H-1B cap will open at noon Eastern on March 7 and run through noon Eastern on March 24. Read more in our News Alert.

News Alert: Temporary Protected Status for Venezuelans Terminated by Secretary of Homeland Security Noem
On Jan. 28, 2025, Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem vacated the Jan. 17, 2025, notice that extended a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for Venezuela. The department will revert to the TPS redesignation and extension guidance that was announced in October 2023. Subsequently, on Feb. 1, 2025, Secretary Noem decided to also terminate TPS under the 2023 designation, which means that TPS and related benefits associated with the 2023 designation will end on April 7, 2025. Find out more in our News Alert.

What are President Trump’s Immigration Executive Actions? What should I know about Presidential Actions on Immigration?
The Trump Administration has initiated a number of executive actions related to immigration. This post summarizes some key points and provides recommendations for immigrants, their families and employers. Bookmark this post for up-to-date news and updates regarding President Trump’s immigration executive actions.

Immigrants Make America Great: Hope and Optimism as We Welcome Trump 2.0
Our founder, Angela Torregoza, writes about hope and optimism as we approach Donald Trumps second presidency. Read her insights on this Medium article.

News Alert: USCIS now requires I-693 Medical Exam to be submitted with I-485 green card application
USCIS now requires certain applicants filing Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, to submit Form I-693, Report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, with their Form I-485 or the Form I-485 may otherwise be rejected. Learn more in our News Alert.

News Alert: USCIS Extends Green Card Validity Extension to 36 Months for Renewals
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced a significant update to the process for renewing Green Cards. Effective Sept. 10, 2024, USCIS will automatically extend the validity of Permanent Resident Cards (Green Cards) by 36 months for lawful permanent residents who file Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card. This update is a response to the increasing processing times many applicants have faced, offering extended proof of lawful status.
Read our News Alert to learn more

USCIS Celebrates Constitution Day and Citizenship Day as part of Constitution Week!
Today, September 17th, the nation observes Constitution Day and Citizenship Day as part of Constitution Week. Learn about the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) initiatives to integrate newcomers into U.S. society and our tips and pointers for those who are considering naturalization, in our latest blog post.

La Nueva Política de "Manteniendo Familias Unidas": Oportunidades para Esposos y Hijastros No Ciudadanos de Ciudadanos Estadounidenses
El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) ha implementado la nueva política de "Manteniendo Familias Unidas" el 19 de agosto de 2024, diseñada para permitir que ciertos esposos y hijastros no ciudadanos de ciudadanos estadounidenses soliciten "libertad condicional en el lugar". Esta medida permite que los no ciudadanos que se encuentran en los Estados Unidos sin una admisión legal puedan permanecer temporalmente en el país, sin tener que salir para un procesamiento consular en el extranjero. Si se les concede la libertad condicional, podrán solicitar el ajuste de estatus para convertirse en residentes permanentes legales. Esta política podría beneficiar a aproximadamente 550,000 no ciudadanos, aunque el USCIS implementará medidas estrictas para prevenir solicitudes fraudulentas.

Alerta de Noticias: Tribunal emite suspensión administrativa del programa Mantener a las Familias Unidas.
El 26 de agosto de 2024, el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Este de Texas, en el caso Texas v. Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (Caso Número 24-cv-306), suspendió administrativamente al DHS de otorgar libertad condicional en el lugar bajo el programa Mantener a las Familias Unidas por 14 días. Conozca más sobre este desarrollo en nuestra Alerta de Noticias.

News Alert: Court Issues Administrative Stay of Keeping Families Together Program
Updated September 11, 2024
On Aug. 26, 2024, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, in Texas v. Department of Homeland Security, Case Number 24-cv-306 administratively stayed DHS from granting parole in place under Keeping Families Together Program for 14 days. Subsequently, the court issued another order and the administrative stay remains in effect through Sept. 23, 2024. Learn more about this development in our News Alert.

Alerta de noticias: ¿Cuáles son las acciones ejecutivas de inmigración del presidente Biden para promover la unidad familiar y ayudar a los Dreamers?
El 18 de junio de 2024, el presidente Biden anunció un nuevo proceso para que ciertos cónyuges no ciudadanos de ciudadanos estadounidenses soliciten la residencia permanente legal sin tener que salir de los Estados Unidos. También anunció un camino que permitiría a las personas, incluidos los beneficiarios de DACA y otros Dreamers, que hayan obtenido un título en una institución estadounidense de educación superior acreditada en los Estados Unidos y que hayan recibido una oferta de empleo de un empleador estadounidense en un campo. relacionados con su carrera, para poder recibir más rápidamente visas de trabajo. Lea nuestra Alerta de noticias para obtener más información sobre este desarrollo.

News Alert: What are President Biden’s Immigration Executive Actions to Promote Family Unity and Help Dreamers?
On June 18, 2024, President Biden announced a new process for certain noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens to apply for lawful permanent residence without having to leave the United States. He also announced a pathway that would allow individuals, including DACA recipients and other Dreamers, who have earned a degree at an accredited U.S. institution of higher education in the United States, and who have received an offer of employment from a U.S. employer in a field related to their degree, to be able to more quickly receive work visas. Read our News Alert for more information about this development.

FAQ: How long is the Form I-693 medical examination valid? When does my form I-693 expire?
Effective April 4, 2024, any Form I-693 that was properly completed and signed by a civil surgeon on or after Nov. 1, 2023, does not expire, and can be used indefinitely as evidence to show that the applicant is not inadmissible on health-related grounds. Find out more in our FAQ about this new policy.

News Alert: Ombudsman’s Office Tests New Features for Online Case Assistance Request Form
The Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (CIS Ombudsman) is currently testing a new format for our DHS Form 7001, Request for Case Assistance, as well as new features for uploading documents and checking on the status of your request. Learn more about this new development.

FAQ: What should I know about the recent USCIS fee increase?
On April 1, 2024, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) increased its fees for immigration petitions and applications as well as released new versions of certain forms. Read our FAQ to learn more about this new development.

News Alert: USCIS Increases Automatic Extension of Work Permits from 180 to up to 540 days
On April 8, 2024, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) increased the automatic extension period for employment authorization and/or Employment Authorization Documents (EAD/”work permit”) to up to 540 days. Find out more in our News Alert.

News Alert: Important Update on Interview Waivers for Nonimmigrant Visa Renewal Applicants
To address the lengthy backlogs at consulates overseas, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security, has determined that interview waivers for some nonimmigrant applicants are in the national interest. Find out which applicants are exempt from the interview requirement.

News Alert: 7 Things to Know About the USCIS Fee Increase on April 1st
Effective April 1, 2024, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will increase its fees for immigration petitions and applications. Find out what’s change and how much more applicants will be required to pay in our news alert.

FAQ: How do I change my address with USCIS? What is form AR-11?
If you are a foreign national in the United States, generally you must report a change of address to USCIS within 10 days of moving. This is especially important if you have a pending application. Find out how to change your address with USCIS in this FAQ.